Friday, September 23, 2011

The film, Exit Through the Gift Shop, introduced many different types of street artists. It was filmed by a man named Thierry Guetta, whose desire was to create a street art documentary. He recorded many street artists including Space Invader, Shepard, and many others. Thierry's goal was to film and document an artist named Bansky, but he feared this goal was unreachable. He soon found out his dream was yet possible and he had his chance to meet Banksy. Thierry followed him and filmed his every crazy street art adventure. Banksy had always kept his life under wraps but now felt he had a friend in Thierry and described it as being a kind of release. He shared with him his studio and showed him life in London. Although Thierry had a love for street art he had always been the man behind the camera not the man in action. When Banksy told him to put the camera down and try life out as a street artist he went for it. His starting piece was an image of himself holding a camera. Thierry began posting them up everywhere. He had found a new love and he wasn't going to let go. Mister Brain Wash, better known as ,MBW, became his street art name. Six months after the start of Mister Brain Wash, Thierry had a purchased a space where he could create his art and workers to help. After attending Banksy's art show he decided that he also needed to have one. Thierry wanted his name out there and did anything he could to get the word on the street about his upcoming show, Life is Beautiful. The show was planned to last only for a week but it became such a huge event the show went on for two months. Thierry Guetta, Mister Bran Wash was now widely know and loved. This street art filmer of Las Angles became the street artist he never knew he could be.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Self Portrait

1. My initial inspiration for my self portrait was the sun glasses. I knew i wanted to use water reflecting on the shades. After I continued to use images pertaining to my personality and interests. I like a lot of color and black and white so I incorporated both into my project.
2. I chose the images in my self portrait because they best describe me and convey my interests.
3. My plan of attack was to begin with the face and hair and continue down saving the background for last.
4. To make my project more successful I would have tried to make my images blend more together instead of looking like separate pieces placed together. Also i would fill the entire page and try placing myself in another spot on the page.